sitemap Introduction to Athletic Coaching


Middletown High School
200 Schoolhouse Drive
Middletown, MD 21769
Phone: 240-236-7400
Fax: 240-236-7450

Coaches' Corner

"Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate."
- Vince Lombardi
Introduction to Athletic Coaching students show great enthusiasm during their experiences with the third-graders at Middletown Elementary School.


Welcome to the home of Middletown High School's new Introduction to Athletic Coaching class.  We hope this website will allow our former students and their families the opportunity to keep in touch with what's happening in the course.  We also hope that our current students and their families will learn more about the history of the course and follow our daily activities.  Finally, we hope that our future students and their families will see what the course is all about and will be excited about the possibility of registering for the course one day.

Thanks for visiting our website and learning more about our Athletic Coaching class !

Introduction to Athletic Coaching