sitemap MHS Basketball
The 1996 team celebrates the Regional Championship at Wheaton High School.

Trip to NY, 2009
Team Trip to New York
-- Summer 2009
Spring Training, 2009
Spring Training
-- 2009
MHS Basketball Camp on NBC25, 2009
MHS Basketball Camp on NBC25
-- 2009

Pre-Season Training
Pre-Season Training
-- Fall 2008

Spring Jump Rope -- 2008

Spring Jump Rope Program
-- 2008

MHS Buzzer Beaters

MHS Buzzer Beaters
-- 1999-2008

Woody Butler Alley-Oop
Woody Butler Alley-Oop Dunk
-- 2007-08

Regional Semifinals at Walkersville -- 2008

Regional Semifinals
at Walkersville -- 2008

Regional Semifinals at North Hagerstown -- 2006

Regional Semifinals
at North Hagerstown -- 2006

State Semifinals at Cole Field House -- 1998

State Semifinals
at Cole Field House -- 1998

Regional Championship Game at Wheaton -- 1996

Regional Championship Game
at Wheaton -- 1996

Ryan Gebbia Ceremony at Middletown -- 1995

Ryan Gebbia Ceremony
at Middletown -- 1995


Middletown High School Boys Basketball