sitemap Introduction to Athletic Coaching


Middletown High School
200 Schoolhouse Drive
Middletown, MD 21769
Phone: 240-236-7400
Fax: 240-236-7450

Coaches' Corner

"Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate."
- Vince Lombardi
Tori Rothenhoefer (left) shows her classmates the fundamentals of bumping in volleyball.


This course was offered at Middletown High School during the 2008-09 school year, and more than 60 students enrolled in the class.

Here are some of their comments after participating in the class:

“ Very informative ! ”
“ I enjoy this class because it’s fun and interactive. ”
“ I love the class and always look forward to coming to second period. ”
“ This class was a great idea, and we are lucky to be in this course. ”
“ I learn more in this class than any other class. ”
“ Keep this class . . . It’s something kids can hold onto forever. ”
“ The class is awesome. ”
“ I really like this class because we get to learn about ourselves, what priorities we have, and what we believe in. ”
" This is my favorite class.  I really enjoyed the hands-on experiences because I love working with kids.  This class provides experiences as if you are really a coach. "
" It was a lot better than any other classes I have taken.  I learned a lot about myself as a coach. "
" This class is fun and teaches what you need to know to become the best coach and person that you can be. "
" It's a fun class, and I learned a lot of life lessons. "
" This is my favorite class, and I enjoyed everything about the class and looked forward to it every day. "
" This is a fun class if you enjoy sports and want to some day be a coach.  Lots of hands-on projects. "
" Coaching class has been a great learning experience.  It is worth taking. "
" This class is really good if you want to learn about what coaches do behind the scenes, when they're not on TV.  It's really cool. "

Introduction to Athletic Coaching