sitemap Introduction to Athletic Coaching


Middletown High School
200 Schoolhouse Drive
Middletown, MD 21769
Phone: 240-236-7400
Fax: 240-236-7450

Coaches' Corner

"Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate."
- Vince Lombardi
Veteran diving coach John Smith showed our students how to effectively communicate with athletes.


Coaching at Middletown Elementary School, Fall 2008

Peer Teaching Sessions, Fall 2008

Field Trip to Shepherd University, Fall 2008

Guest Speaker, Diving Coach John Smith, Fall, 2008

Guest Speaker, Hood College men's basketball coach Tom Dickman, Fall, 2008

Field Day at Middletown Elementary,
June, 12 2009

Introduction to Athletic Coaching